Tuesday 15 May 2012

What's next for the Billingsgate Seafood School... and Taramasalata....

I have managed to escape the coal-face (Billingsgate Fish Market)  for a couple of days to think about what our plans for the Seafood School will be - short and longer term. We have been very busy this month delivery a range of courses to support the industry and sustainability, Food Lovers courses and our charitable schools programme and it has been extraordinarily busy.... so I bolted up to Edinburgh for a couple of days to talk to some industry folk and some of our North of the Border trustees, compare notes and share stories with a fellow food school owner and after 2 decent nights sleep - I am heading back home...

It's all challenging stuff....  everyone I speak too in London is negotiating around this difficult financial climate and the unknown impact of the London 12 Olympics, but there WILL be life after the Olympics - so I am planning our course schedule for the Autumn and into 2013 with renewed vigor and focus and I am looking forward to being back in the fold at Billingsgate Market tomorrow...

One very long term independant fishmonger who bought from Billingsgate daily for over 40 years once told me that 'the place gets under your skin making it impossible to leave'. He sold his business 16 years ago, but is still seen in Billingsgate Cafe with his old friends talking fish prices and catching up 1 - 2 a week and he is over 80...  I understand now - as I miss the cheeky banter and the 'fish feast for the eyes'.

I hear the groans from our administration team already..... CJ in a brain storming mode usually means everyone is bombarded with requests, information and answers too please - yesterday, but it keeps everyone on their toes!

In my absence the Seafood School is cracking on with our charity programme. Paula, our schools coordinator has a school in today. They have watched our short DVD - From Sea to Plate and the story of how fish is caught using sustainable methods of fishing all filmed with a fishermen at Hastings. \
The children then see how the fish is prepared and cooked... and if we have pitched it just right (I know that Paula - and her fishmonger - Charlie - will have) - lots of children will head home having eaten some great fish dishes (had a days worth of Omega 3 - great for concentration) and will be a little wiser about just how good seafood can be... and what the words environmental and sustainable actually mean...

I am back in the office tomorrow and we have a full class taking our Food Lovers - Catch of the Day 1 programme.... our guests will all appear bleary eyed at 6am for the market visit - never sure what to expect....and then by 8am - we make sure that their view on seafood will be changed forever... A visit to Billingsgate during operational hours is a wonderful assault on the senses - and the atmosphere when the merchants are in full swing - is a 'once experienced - never forgotten' moment and most will return for a second helping soon.

I now will have my work cut out over the next few weeks.... I have new projects to work on - but importantly we have our guests to entertain and inspire, children to educate and lots of visits and marketing to focus on and a trip to Selfridges to deliver a seafood demonstration on Friday in their food hall...

For me personally - I am particularly excited about planning and delivering our Pop-Up Seafood School in Kent project.... The Olympics will curb our activity in London for a short period - so we have decided to move for 4 weeks and are running a handful of informal courses in my own new kitchen at The Coach House....

It gives us an opportunity to really practice what we preach - buy local and seasonal... So if Hastings are landing we will promote some of their catch and some local ingredients (possibly from my own garden if the weather is right).

Nearly back at Kings Cross.... and thinking about the next meal for my own family... mostly seafood for us and my mouth is watering at the prospect of Pinneys of Orford Smoked Cods roe.... one of the best ever... quick Taramasalata (slice of bread rung out under cold water and then whizzed with a garlic clove, juice of 1 lemon and a combination of Extra virgin Olive oil and sunflower oil - if all EVO is too much - or if I feel too guilty to add all oil - tone it down with some Greek yoghurt to lighten at the end).. crudite of carrots, celery, cucumber and my favourite - red chicory for dipping and with a baked jacket - suppers on the table.

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